Friday, June 10, 2016

UFT - QTP Interview Questions - JP Morgan

1.      Tell me about your self
2.     Given 2 strings, first string contains India and the second contains Australia. Write code to swap these 2 strings.
3.      A web table contains 2 columns, Employee name in the first column and Second column  contains 2 check boxes namely Yes and No.
 Whenever a specified name occurs in the web table, check box “yes’ is to be clicked.  Write code for this.

4.      Write a customized code for finding out the length of a string without using the built in   function, 

Note : Post a comment for solution on any questions

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QTP Interview Question - Continuation of Previous post Second Round in ADP

  1. Tell me about yourself
  2. How would you rate yourself among the scale of 10 in QTP?
  3. Do you have knowledge on any other Tools? What are the latest tools or technologies that are available in the market currently?
  4. where do you want to see yourself in next 46years?
  5. What are the frameworks that you have worked on?
  6. Best scenarios to test a web edit which accepts only one letter i.e., between a-z.((Including Boundary Value Analysis)
  7.         Code to generate a unique array from the below array
  8. Arr = {“Krishna”, “Krishna Chaitanya”, “Chaitanya”, “Krishna”, “Raghu”, “Ram”, “Krishna”, “Chaitanya”, “Ram”}
  9.       Write a function which verifies whether a particular value exists in a drop down
  10. (The function should be able to verify any drop down, any value)
  11.       Did you use iterations?
  12.       Why you want to make a move?

PNote : Post a comment for any solution needed in above questions

QTP - UFT Interview Questions attended on 04th June 2016 - ADP

1.      Tell me about your self
2.      10 prioritized test cases for testing a Windows, basic calculator
3.      Verification & Validation with examples
4.      SQL query for retrieving 2nd highest salary
5.      SQL query for location and Department wise Salary from below table
Ex: Total Salary for Hyd- HR team

Sal. Paid

6.      Types of Joins, what is Left Outer Join?
7.      Code for Swapping 2 numbers without 3rd variable
8.      Code For Reversing the words in a statement
Ex: Welcome to the world of Computers9.      Types Recording
What is In-sight recording? What is Analog? What is low level recording?10.  If the objects of 5 pages are to be added to OR, how do you add the object, one by one or all at once?
11.  In a web table, we have Web buttons, web edits and Web lists. Whenever you encounter A web button à Count
A Web edit à Write ADP + Count
A Web list à Select Yes + Count
What is the total Count of all the objects?12.  What is the testing strategy your following in your current project?
13.  How do you relate your strategy to V-Model?
14.  Bug life cycle
15.  Code for Copying data from one Excel and pasting to other Excel
16.  Object identification in QTP
17.  Why creation time is used? When multiple browsers are open, QTP will get ambiguity, then how does this creation time will help?
18.  Why you want make a move?
19.  Priority & Severity, What would fix first among below.
Priority – High, Severity – LowPriority – Low, Severity – High

Note : Post a comment for solution on above interview questions